Rebate has the other name, Refund, which is quite common and most of us have heard it. This is a marketing strategy for the promotion of products and services. For example, you buy a dress from a brand that offers a rebate. So if that dress is on rebate, you will get cashback instead of any other prize.
Getting cashback makes customers the happiest. Imagine you spent some $500 on buying certain things which were on rebate. Now, you can claim cashback. So you might get around 100 or 200 dollars back.

How to claim the rebate?
If you want to get a refund on your purchase, there is a form for that. You are supposed to fill that form and claim your purchase. Afterward, the brand or store will give you back the money.
A lot of stores and brands now offer printable forms. Menards Rebate Form has the complete detail about that. So you can go to and read more about printable forms and how you will use them.
A successful marketing strategy
Rebate is one of the most successful marketing strategies because it makes customers happy. Furthermore, it makes them shop again. This is better than giving discounts. For example, you offer a 20 percent discount on a product. Someone might buy it at a discounted price. This does not give them a sense of accomplishment.
On the other hand, if someone gets some of their amounts back, it makes them happier. Furthermore, it gives them a sense of accomplishment. Afterward, they would like to shop again from that store. Or they would like to spend the returned money. So you will be getting your customers back.

Working of rebates – How things work
Rebates are for all the customers who buy something from the seller. There is a proper way of doing things. So if the seller has offered a rebate, it will be applicable for a specific period of time.
Usually, sellers offer it for 6 to 8 months. If you fill the form and submit it, you will get a cashback voucher. This will allow you to shop again for that price. You are not getting cash in your hands but a cash voucher that you can use again in the same store.
This cash voucher will be valid for 6 to 8 months. If you do not shop from them within that period, the voucher will expire.
As mentioned before, you will fill a rebate form available on the website of that store or on their retail shop. You can ask customer service for that. After you get the form, you will fill it and attach proof of your shopping. If you really shopped from them, you will have a receipt for that. Attach that with the form and send it to their address.
You will get a cashback voucher. So now you have some amount in your hand that you can use to shop again.