If you are passionate about making a difference in global warming and climate change, then you should apply for the Semper Solaris Scholarship. The scholarship is offered by a well-known and respected solar panel installation company, Semper Solaris, based in California. To be in with a chance of winning the scholarship, which could be worth thousands of dollars, you have to write an essay on the given topic. This is a fantastic opportunity for anybody excited about renewable energy and how it can help our scholarship overcome global warming.
Details of the required essay

The Semper Solaris scholarship contest allows students to share their thoughts on solar and renewable energy. The contest is held quarterly, with a new topic related to solar or renewable energy each quarter. High school students must submit an essay of at least 750 words, and college students need to submit the same of a minimum of 1000 words. This allows contestants to explore the given topic in depth and share their insights with the community. The contest is an excellent way for students to learn more about solar and renewable energy and voice their opinions on these important issues.
Prize information

The amount of prize money offered for the scholarship varies depending on whether the winner is a high school or college student. High school students can receive $500 each for the top 2 winners, while college students can receive $3000 and $1750 for the first and second place. The prize money can be utilized in any way the winner deems suitable. For high school students, the prize money can be used to pay for tuition, books, and other expenses related to their education. For college students, the prize money can be used to help offset the cost of tuition, room and board, and other expenses associated with attending college.
Who is eligible for the scholarship

You must meet the following eligibility requirements to apply for the scholarship: a minimum of 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale, enrollment at a recognized college or high school, and US citizenship or permanent residency. You will be required to submit proof of GPA (e.g., transcript, class schedule, letter from college) and proof of enrollment (e.g., college transcript, class schedule, letter from college) as part of your application. International students are not eligible for this scholarship.
How to know if you won

The scholarship winners will be announced on Semper Solaris’ website and social media pages. The first winner will get $3000 and the second $1750. The scholarship winning amount will be given as a check, and winners are free to utilize it as they want. Their scholarship program runs 4 times a year, and students can participate multiple times every year as long as they have not been declared a winner earlier. Visit the Scholarship page using the link below https://www.sempersolaris.com/semper-cares-initiative/scholarships/
Get working on your essay
There’s no time to wait – if you want to be in with a chance of winning the Semper Solaris Scholarship, you need to start working on your essay today. The sooner you get it finished, the better. Remember to focus on the given topic and explore it in depth. The more effort you put into your essay, the greater your chances of winning.