Home Health What Pet Health Problems Can CBD Help Manage

What Pet Health Problems Can CBD Help Manage

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There has been a lot of buzz lately about the health benefits of CBD products. CBD can treat various animal pain issues, and many studies support its use in dogs and cats with arthritis and other joint pain conditions. CBD can also be beneficial for pets with anxiety and other mood disorders too. If you are looking for quality CBD products for your pets, you should check Petabis Organics by Botanicam.

This post will cover some of the more common pet health problems CBD can help manage.

What is CBD?

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CBD oil is a compound found in hemp plants that does not have the psychoactive effects of THC, which means it won’t get your pet “high.”

CBD has been shown to help manage pain and inflammation and improve mental health conditions like depression and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) without causing adverse side effects such as drowsiness or impaired coordination.

Studies show that cannabinoids work by interacting with specific receptors throughout the body called cannabinoid receptor type I (CB-I).

The CB-I system regulates many activities, including appetite, movement, memory extinction and more: all processes significantly impacted by endocannabinoids (the naturally occurring chemicals within the body that bind to CB-I).

What might pet health problems CBD help manage?

Although not a cure, CBD can be an adjunct therapy for many common canine and feline ailments. The following list includes some of the more common pets’ conditions where CBD may provide benefits:

1. Arthritis

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It is estimated that around 25% of dogs and cats suffer from arthritis. CBD might help reduce the severity, frequency, and duration of achy joints in pets with osteoarthritis or chronic inflammation.

2. Pet Anxiety

In humans, products containing cannabidiol have been shown to help treat anxiety disorders such as PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and phobias. There are also anecdotal reports indicating CBD helps anxious pets get more comfortable during storms or other situations where they feel nervous or threatened.

3. Cancer

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Cancer treatment often comes with various side effects, including nausea, pain, vomiting, and appetite loss.

These problems may be treated by administering CBD alongside traditional treatments like chemotherapy or radiation therapy for cancer patients undergoing these therapies for the first time or are re-starting after some remission period.

This helps ensure that your pet continues to receive the nutrients it needs throughout its treatment, even if you need to skip doses because he’s feeling sickly one day.

4. Gastrointestinal Problems

A couple of times, CBD has been used to manage Gastrointestinal problems like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), colitis, and diarrhea that is unresponsive to conventional treatment methods, including dietary changes and over-the-counter medications like Imodium AD

IBD has been shown in human medicine to be exacerbated by stress and anxiety, making pets more likely to display symptoms of this condition when they are at home alone during the day while their guardians are at work or school.

CBD may help ease the anxiety that a pet feels while it is suffering from an IBD flare-up and reduce gastrointestinal inflammation by regulating things like intestinal motility, gut bacteria balance, and immune function in pets with colitis or other types of diarrhea;

5. Pet Dental Health

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Healthy gums are necessary to maintain strong teeth and avoid dental diseases such as painful tooth decay (cavities) or gum disease. It can cause bad breath, redness & swelling around the mouth, bleeding when your pet eats or drinks water and tartar buildup on the pet’s teeth.

CBD has been shown to combat bacterial infections, including E coli, in humans. If applied topically during brushing sessions (with instructions for this provided), CBD might also help reduce inflammation and bacterial overgrowth in pets’ mouths and keep their breath smelling fresh between brushing.

6. Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy is a chronic condition that affects around 25% of all diabetic patients and causes nerve damage in the extremities, digestive organs, eyes, kidneys & heart.

This can lead to loss of feeling in hands/feet, making it difficult for pets to know when they need to go potty (or feel pain when walking on something like broken glass) or if their food dish contains an edible treat.

CBD may help maintain blood sugar levels by regulating insulin production and cellular uptake while also protecting cells from oxidative stress caused by high glucose concentrations in blood plasma.

7. Pet Pain

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Chronic pain conditions such as osteoarthritis and cancer-related bone aches often cause discomfort long after traditional treatment methods end.

Administering CBD topically before your pet’s daily walks or other physical activities may help prevent further damage to the joints while also easing pain symptoms;

8. Cognitive Decline Injuries

CBD may help reduce the symptoms of ageing in pets as well. Ageing is often associated with cognitive decline (due to oxidative stress and inflammation), which can cause your furry friend to forget its name, lose bladder control or display other types of behaviour changes.

CBD has been shown in human studies to combat oxidative damage caused by free radicals and promote antioxidant-mediated cellular responses. It makes it a potentially helpful agent for helping older animals maintain better brain function even if they suffer from various conditions like dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

9. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

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CBD is an effective mood stabilizer and anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) agent in humans, making it a potentially promising treatment for pets that experience symptoms of PTSD.

10. Allergic Reactions and Itching

CBD has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties, which may help reduce the symptoms of skin irritations like allergies or recurring ear infections; CBD is also an effective itch reliever in humans.

CBD Dosage for Pets

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The recommended dosage will vary depending on your pet’s weight & their specific condition(s). Still, most veterinarians recommend starting with 0.03mg per kg (0.14mg per lb.) of body mass each day to assess tolerance levels before increasing dosages if necessary.

Giving this product orally once a day is usually enough for dogs though cats typically require at least two doses due to their smaller size and unique metabolisms. It helps process fat more slowly than dogs’ bodies do. If you are unsure what amount is best for your pet, speak with a veterinarian or consult the dosage guidelines provided by CBD-specialized companies.


As with any medical treatment, if you consider using CBD oil on your furry family member, it is best to discuss this with your veterinarian beforehand. Talk to a trusted friend who has already used cannabis products on their pets before about what they’ve noticed in terms of benefits & side effects. This can give you an idea of how helpful it might be for specific conditions that affect dogs or cats (or rabbits, etc.) like yours.