If you’re looking to increase your chances of winning at live slots, you may want to consider playing at a high RTP casino. However, if you’re new to this game and don’t have a lot of money to start with, it might be better to play at a low RTP casino. In this article, we’ll explain why each type of casino has its own advantages and disadvantages.
What is RTP?

RTP, or Return to Player, is a measure of how well a casino is doing in terms of returns for players. It is calculated as a percentage of winnings on hand. The higher the RTP, the better the casino is performing.
Many people believe that high RTP slots are better than low RTP slots because they think it means that the casino is making more money for players. However, this isn’t always the case. In fact, some casinos have low RTP slots that are still very profitable for players.
The reason why high RTP slots are sometimes more profitable for players is because they generate more winning combinations than low RTP slots. This means that players have a greater chance of winning big jackpots.
Pros and Cons of High vs Low RTP

When it comes to playing live slots, some people prefer high RTP while others prefer low RTP. Here are the pros and cons of both high and low RTP.
High RTP:
• Pros: Higher RTP means that you will make more money in each spin.
Low RTP:
• Pros: Low RTP means that you will have less chance of losing money overall.
• Cons: Some people feel that low RTP slots are not as exciting to play because they tend to be more predictable.
Why Choose a Live RTP Slot Machine?
One of the most important factors when choosing a live slot machine is the RTP. This stands for return to player, and it is what determines how often you will win money.
There are two types of RTP: high and low. Low RTP slots have a lower percentage of payout but they also offer more opportunities to win. This is because the house edge is smaller, which means you have a better chance of hitting the jackpot.
On the other hand, high RTP slots have a higher percentage of payout but they also offer fewer opportunities to win.
How to Calculate Your RTP?

When it comes to playing live slots, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. One of the most important factors is your RTP (Return To Player). This is the percentage of money you earn back from every dollar you wager.
There are a lot of different ways to calculate your RTP. You can use a simple formula like this: 100 minus your average loss over the past number of plays. This will give you your RTP. Alternatively, you can use a more sophisticated software program that will figure out your RTP for you.
Whichever method you choose, make sure that it’s accurate and reflects how you’re actually playing. If your RTP is high, that means you’re earning a lot of money back from every dollar you wager. If your RTP is low, that means you’re losing more money than you’re earning.
Playing RTP Slots in 2024

In 2024, the RTP (return to player) for live slot machines will be different for high and low RTP games. Currently, the RTP for most live slot machines is either 90% or 95%.
However, in 2024, the RTP for all live slot machines will be lowered to 78%. This change is being made in order to increase the excitement of playing live slots.
Low RTP games are especially popular among casino players who want to make more money. The reason is that players who play low RTP slots have a higher chance of winning.
How does this change affect you as a player? If you are currently playing high RTP slots, you may want to switch over to low RTP games in order to make more money.
If you’re looking to improve your chances of winning at live casinos, then you’ll want to pay close attention to both high and low RTP games. In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide that will outline the differences between these two types of slots and explain why each is better for playing in a live casino setting. Hopefully, after reading this article you’ll have a better understanding of which type of slots best suits your playing style, and be able to make more informed decisions when it comes time to play live.