Home World Tech How to Fix System Thread Exception Not Handled on Windows

How to Fix System Thread Exception Not Handled on Windows

Every computer has a pre-installed Windows operating system. But not all computers are created equal. Some have a preinstalled operating system that is riddled with bugs. Windows has a long history of bugs. Each new major release fixes bugs that are found in the previous version, and introduces new bugs to the new release.

System thread exception is a system-level exception that occurs while the operating system is executing in a different thread. The specific type of system thread exception that this blog is talking about is called SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED. This is a thread-specific error, so the only way to fix this type of error is repair the thread itself.

The Windows operating system allows you to schedule daily tasks to run automatically on one of your computers. A system thread exception is a type of exception that is raised when a task is scheduled to run. When this exception occurs, the computer is put into a preventative maintenance mode that lets you see if there is a root cause for the problem you are having.. Read more about how to fix ‘system thread exception not handled’ error in windows 10 and let us know what you think.

When process threads performing essential Windows services fail, the error System Thread Exception Not Handled displays on a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). To fix System Thread Exception Not Handled on Windows, continue reading.

When you click the power button on your computer or laptop, we usually expect it to turn on and load disks without any problems.

When using the Windows Operating System, you may encounter a variety of annoying problems and difficulties, including the Blue Screen Of Death. When Windows 10 detects an issue that causes it to shut down the computer, it will show a Blue Screen of Death. The “System Thread Exception Not Handled” issues generally arise when you first turn on your computer and result in a blue screen of death (BSOD) (Blue Screen of Death).

System-Thread-Exception-Not-Handled-PreviewNot Handled System Thread Exception Preview

In Windows 8, 8.1, and 10, the “System Thread Exception Not Handled” issue is very frequent. They’re either outdated, mismatched, or corrupted in some way, preventing Windows from recognizing portions of them. This “System Thread Exception Not Handled” issue also generates a log file that may be used to troubleshoot the problem. The techniques listed below will help you rapidly resolve the “system thread exception not handled” issue.

This article contains the following content:

What does the error message “System Thread Exception Not Handled” mean?

When you switch on your computer, it automatically fixes itself, reboots Windows, and starts up again. If there is a problem that it can’t solve, a blue screen error will show, stating that the issue is a System thread exception not handled error.

The system thread exception not handled error means that Windows has a thread in your system exception for error didn’t catch, and a blue screen of death has occurred as a consequence of not identifying and resolving the problem.

What causes this issue and when does it occur?

  • This blue screen issue may be caused by an outdated, incorrect, or mismatched driver on your Windows-based device.
  • Overclocked nip is now causing the “System Thread Exception Not Handled” problem.
  • This problem may be caused by corrupted or lost Windows upgrades.
  • Driver software, System files, and different legal tasks on your PC may cause serious issues.
  • This issue happens when you start or restart your computer.
  • This error occurs when the computer’s drivers are incompatible.
  • When graphic cards are not upgraded, this error occurs.

Methods for resolving the error “System Thread Exception Not Handled” are as follows:

If you are experiencing the “System Thread Exception Not Handled” issue on your Windows PC, you may use the techniques listed below to resolve it.

Diagnosis of Operating Memory:

  • Now, go to the Windows symbol in the lower left corner of the screen and hit it.
  • Hit on the Shift>Restart option.
  • Select the Troubleshoot>Advanced options.
  • Select the “Start-up” Settings option from the “Advanced” menu.
  • You’ll see a number of additional choices, and you’ll need to choose the “Restart” option.
  • On your screen, you’ll see a lot of boot choices. Windows is now in the Safe mode legally.
  • Now, launch the Memory Diagnosis>Run Dialogue Box.

Memory-DiagnosticMemory Evaluation

  • Enter in mdsched.exe and then press on the OK>Enter button.
  • On the screen, the Memory Diagnostics window will appear. Locate the System Thread Exception Not Handled problem under the Restart tab.
  • To finish the procedure, take a few minutes to relax.

Remove the Intel Graphics Driver (GD) from your computer:

  1. To begin, hit the “Windows logo” and “R” keys simultaneously. Then type devmgmt.msc and click OK.
  2. Increase the Display Adapters Branch. Select Intel Graphics device>Uninstall.
  3. It will ask you to confirm the installation of the Intel Graphics Driver. Click OK.
  4. When you restart your computer, you will no longer notice the System Thread Exception Not Handled issue.

To use the System File Manager, follow these steps:

  • Press the “Start” tab, type “cmd” in the search bar, then concurrently hold the CTRL + Shift + Enter keys.
  • On your screen, a permission dialog box will appear. After reading all of the information, click the “OK” button.
  • You must type SFC /Scannow and then press the “Enter” tab on the command line.

Run-the-System-File-Manager-on-PromptStart the System File Manager from the Command Prompt.

  • The System File Manager will now scan your computer. It will look for and solve any Stornvme. sys-related issues.
  • If it doesn’t work, try the following option, “Restart Your PC into Safe Mode.”

Restart your computer in the safe mode:

  1. To shut off or shutdown your computer, press the power button. Then begin the process all over again. Use this technique three times.
  2. Windows must then proceed to the “Automatic Repair the Preparing Automatic Repair” prompt.
  3. Select the administrator account you want to use and type in your password.
  4. After that, your computer will scan for any problems.
  5. After finding the problem, choose Advanced>Troubleshoot>Startup Settings > Restart.

Restart-Your-PC-into-Safe-MethodRestart your computer in the safe mode.

  1. To return to a safe or secure mode, use the F4 key.
  2. Go to Device Manager after a safe restart of your PC.
  3. To utilize the change, restart your computer in Normal Mode.
  4. Finally, install the new device driver and configure it on your device.

Hardware Acceleration is disabled.

  • Go to Google Chrome and select the Setting> Advanced Settings section.
  • Then untick the box that says “Use hardware acceleration when available.”
  • Restart the Google Chrome browser if necessary.
  • Then, in the next step, open Mozilla Firefox and type in the command “preferences#advanced” into the search box or bar.
  • Uncheck the option “Use hardware acceleration when available” on the most recent notification screen.
  • Relaunch your Firefox browser.
  • Then, in Internet Explorer, go to the “Advanced tab” option.
  • Then, after selecting “Use software version regardless of GPU version,” check the box.

Disabling-Hardware-AccelerationHardware Acceleration is disabled.

  • Finally, click the “Apply” tab, followed by the “OK” button.
  • To save the changes, restart your Internet Explorer.

Check for the most recent BIOS update:

  1. Select Windows + X keys and press both keys together & then choose the “Command Prompt as Admin” option.
  2. To run the command, type “WMIC baseboard get creator, the brand” into the Command Prompt window and click the “Enter” tab.
  3. On your computer’s “Notepad,” jot down the inventor and brand number.
  4. Then, for the most recent BIOS update, go to the Motherboard’s official page.
  5. Now, enter your motherboard’s brand name and install the latest BIOS software version on your PC.
  6. The BIOS file will be sent in either ZIP or EXE format. You may get the BIOS for your computer by downloading it.

Check-For-BIOS-Latest-updateMake sure your BIOS is up to date.

Quick ‘Start-up: Disable or Deactivate

  • Press the “Windows + R” keys together to open the “Run Dialog Box” option.
  • Enter the “Control Panel” and click the “OK” button under the “Run Dialog Box” option.
  • Select the “What the Power Tab Perform” option from the “Power Options” menu.

Disable-or-Deactivate-Quick-Start-upQuick ‘Start-up’ may be disabled or turned off.

  • Select Switch On Quick Start-up>Save Changes option.

Final Thoughts:

You should no longer have the “System Thread Exception Not Handled” issue on your PC after using the following methods. If you have any concerns regarding the “System Thread Exception Not Handled” issue, please leave them in the comments below and we will respond as soon as possible.

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kunchala Sai Mani Deep

My name is Pardhu, and I’d like to introduce myself. At OMGeeky, I work as an Editor and Author. Actually, I am a techie who is constantly eager to share tech-related information with my users. Apart from that, I like traveling, I enjoy sports, I am a good listener, I am a team player, a photographer, I am a graduate, and I enjoy hill climbing.

Windows computers all have a single thread of execution (process) that is the exact same for every app on the system. This is called the system thread, and any code that runs on the system thread is called a system service. These services can include things like the file services, the network stack, the Winsock, and other core system components.. Read more about system thread exception not handled windows 10 install and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:”https://schema.org”,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is system thread exception not handled serious?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
System thread exception is not handled as a serious error.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is System_Thread_Exception_Not_Handled?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
System_Thread_Exception_Not_Handled is a Windows error code that means the application has crashed and it was not handled.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I fix system thread exception not handled ETD?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
This is a common error that can occur when the system is running low on memory. You can try to lower the graphics settings in game, or you can restart your computer and see if this resolves the issue.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Is system thread exception not handled serious?

System thread exception is not handled as a serious error.

What is System_Thread_Exception_Not_Handled?

System_Thread_Exception_Not_Handled is a Windows error code that means the application has crashed and it was not handled.

How do I fix system thread exception not handled ETD?

This is a common error that can occur when the system is running low on memory. You can try to lower the graphics settings in game, or you can restart your computer and see if this resolves the issue.

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